
Formed in 1998, Inscape Studio is a collaboration of individuals dedicated to creating innovative, contemporary architecture that is socially responsible and environmentally sensitive. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for people by improving the places we inhabit.


Our methodology to design is to create a framework for a collaborative design process rather than dictating a singular stylistic approach. Analyzing the particulars of a site and understanding the character of our clients are the means to solving design challenges. Within our office this process fosters a dialogue that generates creative solutions to a variety of projects. Though projects range in scale, building type, and budget, we remain consistent in creating an environment that allows for a recursive interaction of knowledge and ideas. Better results come from a collective thought process.
As designers, we have the potential to inspire change within communities. Each project has a client with particular needs and desires. However, every time we develop a piece of land or renovate a building, we impact not just one person or group, but others locally and globally. A site does not exist in a vacuum, but exists as part of greater system. The changes we make to that one site extend outward to impact other places and people as ripples in a pond. At Inscape Studio, we engage our city with community-oriented building projects as we mentor and educate the next generation of designers.
Every site is different. Each one possesses its own set of complexities as part of a greater social and ecological system. It's up to architects and designers to realize and work with the inherent qualities of a site that lend themselves to habitation. At Inscape Studio we have an innovative approach to architecture and urban design that thinks of people and development as part of the matrix of nature, not in opposition to the environment. Our vision takes into consideration the broader needs and long-term impact of design on local communities and the healthy functioning of their natural ecosystems.

Giving Back

Inscape Studio’s sister firm Inscape Publico is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit architecture firm whose mission is to provide professional architecture services for other nonprofits and the people they serve. Inscape Publico jumpstarts nonprofit projects by providing valuable envisioning sessions and schematic design services for reduced fees through a unique business model. Both firms are architectural social enterprises, using commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being.